WLA in the media

We Like Art is regularly discussed enthusiastically on radio, television, newspaper and magazine and online.


NRC Handelsblad “We Like Art!” was founded in 2010 by Michiel Hogenboom and Carolien Smit. Reducing the threshold for high art, as well as shaking up the art world a bit – these principles have already resulted in about a hundred silkscreen prints, piezographs and photo editions, mainly by Dutch artists, most of them in editions varying between ten and thirty copies, the prices usually far below 1,000 euros.” Financieel Dagblad “Novice collectors, but also enthusiasts – always hungry for golden tips – find a discussed work of art every few days. Initiators Michiel Hogenboom and Carolien Smit search for high-quality but affordable work. From their expertise as artists and art advisors, they know their way around the art forest and generously share their finds. From young artists who do not yet have a gallery to established names who made a special edition or smaller work.”
Parool “We Like Art wants to show that even on a relatively small budget you can buy art from artists with museum and international exhibitions.” We were also discussed and shown by the following media:
AVRO’s Kunstuur, VPRO program De Avonden,
Kunstbeeld, Tableau, Vrij Nederland, Parool, de Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, NRC Next, Financieel Dagblad, Mister Motley, Lost Painters, Trendbeheer, JAN, the Dutch Media Network, ELLE Interior, LINDA, Design.nl, Petite Passport, MetropolisM, Nieuwsblad van Noorden, De Gelderlander, Elsevier.

Art Hour, watch from 8:59th minute on Art Buying
KunstUur about our exhibition Start Buying Art at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam

Parool (Jan Pieter Ekker) about our Beehive exhibition
Lost Painters on several of our exhibition, with nice image reviews
Trend management on our activities in recent years
Mr. Motley on the first Start Buying Art exhibition
Femkeido, beautiful pictures of our expo
Silver Blue about our poster
Art image about the Beehive


WLA in 101 Living Ideas

101 living ideas September 2014


WLA in German Wohn Idee

WohnIdee March 2014

Newspapers:  Parool: Art in Protest Sale NRC Handelsblad: Here’s what you see Financieel Dagblad: Buying art with the click of a mouse NRC Handelsblad: Art via Internet Flies Away NRC Handelsblad: Affordable Red Stains

NRC June 7, 2014

NRC Handelsblad: Art via internet flies away